Friday, November 18, 2011


God Loves You!
The Bible says, "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life"The problem is that . .
If Jesus took the time to laid down his life for you, he will never allow you to suffer. He is there for you in good times and bad times. The greater your faith that God is present and working in your life, the more in awe you will be at the relevancy of the answer He has given you. Whether at the time you read it you understand how it applies to you or not, you will be given exactly what you need, when you need it. May your faith and your Love for Him be strengthened as you see how close He is to you and how present He is in your life.
"When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us."

~ Alexander Graham Bell
”As a being of power, intelligence, and love you hold the key to every situation and contain within yourself that transforming and regenerative agency by which you may make yourself what you will.
James Allen
God gives knowledge, he loves  us and he'll control all your situation;  whatever you will be, you will be. Glory to God. Catherine Gray- Taylor

”Don’t ever give up. Continue with the path you have chosen. Countless others have succeeded. Why not you? It is not a matter of IQ but of purity of the heart and persistence of will. All the joy peace or happiness that you have ever wanted dreamed or imagined and much more is in you as you. Don’t wait, do it now and discover that life can indeed be a supreme joy.”
Patanjali, Yoga Sutras
Psalms 42:5 - Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.
Dearest Readers -
 Many times you are cast down, feel alone in this trouble world, stand up my friends, you are never alone. The bible tells us that God is with us all the time. Reach out in time of your pain, pray to him, say, Lord God of Israel, have mercy upon me, right now! Lord I'm your servant, Help me to overcome the enemies.  Catherine Gray- Taylor

"Be encouraged today if you are in the pits of depression and despair, if your heart is broken, and/or your life is in such disarray you've become lost on life's journey, that you can put your hope in God and He will bring you through. Through faith in His Son, Jesus, you not only will see the Light at the end of your tunnel but He will bring you out with a new song in your heart and praise on your lips. For the help of His countenance is all we really need. He is our answer for life and all of life's pinnacles and pitfalls. He is our hope when hope seems lost. He is Love to us, unconditional and without condemnation, when it seems the world has forsaken us. Truly He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother and He will carry you when you are not able to carry yourself. He will lift you up and bless you at the weakest of times and be an ever-present Guide in your darkest of times. Yes, in your midnight hour He stands with you. Take hold His hand and believe His love this moment and He will make something beautiful out of your life. Take your eyes off the pain and focus on Him, trust Him, lean on Him. He is able to bear your load and He will give you rest." unknown

Be asure that he is God. Catherine Gray- Taylor
He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed."

~ William James
Personally, I came to know the Lord and gave Him my heart at a very young age. To seek the Lord and serve the Lord were things I cherished early on. I have always been quick to give positive words to those around me and this has grown into a calling to inspire and motivate. A good word given to someone in a time of need can bring as much comfort as a healing balm or a soothing salve. Taking time to share the love of God, offering words of hope and help, this is what true faith is all about. And through my own personal pain and loss, the Holy Spirit has shown me that common words, spoken plainly in love and in due season to a wounded soul can change a life. I am a firm believer in Godly exhortation and just simply reaching out to others with a positive outlook, perhaps some motivational words, anything to reach the heart of another that is broken, feeling defeated or overcome by darkness and pain. Thus, the purpose of  God is for me to know him, and declar him to others. He demonstrated his love to me in many ways, such as resqued me from two major operations. He can do it for you.

Hope in the Lord, for he is your helper. Be strong in the Lord; stand up and be strong. Your life is going to restore, and no one can stom it. Catherine Gray Taylor

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