Thursday, November 10, 2011


The world is so troubled my friend, and is only the love of Jesus can settled it. There are so much trials and temptation in this cruel world that are leading many people in trouble. Take for example our children today, compare to the children's in the sixties, they have no comparison. Why? because during the sixities, parents took the time to teach their children about God and they understands the penelty of God , when you break the commandments of God. The punishment was, parent were given authorithy bibically to spank their children, in order to keep them in juriductions. Paul  the Apostle  said, "if one does not discipline a child, he or she will never learn obedience and good manners.He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes" Proverb 13- read the scripture.

The world is so troubled, because we are dealing with a different generation who has no emotions. Why? they were not taught in the home or at school how to love and respect others; as the sixties' children were. My friends, let us live in prayer, because the world needs Jesus to justify these problems; such as wars, poor economics, good governments to rule their citizens ,and righteous, and honest pastors, to care for the churches. Help me to pray for the world that God will turn his face to us again with mercy. As I say, Jesus is the answer to this troubled world. Peace!


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