Wednesday, November 9, 2011


We must as Christians, should understand how important it's to be obedient to God; take for example ,lucifer, known as a falling angel, he banished from Heaven. Such banishment is known to be punishment from God for disobeying or rebelling against God's will. Today there are christians who rebells against God's will as Satan did.

It seems like Satan, wanted to takes Heaven, and God showed  Lucifer, that every power in heaven or  Earth, belongs to Him, the only soverein's God. What I believe about Lucifer falling is that, he would like to control Heaven, but God was knowledge to kicked him out before he correpts the entire heaven.  Now we are free from Lucifer's bondage. Lucifer according to the bible, he was the brigest angel in heaven, brighter than a mornin g star,  with a cunning mind of destruction. Today, he is everywhere, trying to rob, steal and destroys. But by the bllod of the Almighty God, we are standing strong. Praise God. God bless all of you. peace!

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