Thursday, November 10, 2011


My love is peering, my eyes are draining for the living God, oh I went to bed and I could not sleep, I heard the voice of my sweet Lord calling me, Cathy, Cathy, why do you forsake my love?
i woke up with deep love and emotion, only for the man i love, Jesus; then I walked to the bathroom in the midnight, I looked through the mirror at my big brown face, that look more like daddy's brown cow, he had in the cow's pen. I yelled out loud- what is happening ?!! I look like an old cow. Is this what peering love is like? I asked myself; is this whay draining eyes are like? I asked myself; a my not living for the living God? wow, men something must be wrong around here...
 My love, my peeying love, how sweet it reflect like a bright sunshine on the Island of Jamaica, with  tall rocks, and mountains, and tall trees, long breath of water, with many rivers flowing to the big Caribbean Sea, with her blue cristial water, sending out her waves like my eyes flowing with  awesome tears, rolling down my cheeks like, Niagara Falls-------- is this my peering love for you Lord? your own Creation, not mine, oh my sweet God, Lord and Jesus. And what I feel for you now, is like dying, you are so awesome in my love that is peering, and my eyes that are draining. Catherine Taylor

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