Tuesday, November 15, 2011


When I was a child, I didn't reare in mansion, like most of you here in America. My parents were very, very, poor;  with twelve children, just two poor farmers and preachers. Peoiple looked down on us, because we were not in the position as they were. I remember times when I ran away to neighboring parish, just to shun the mocking from the fortunate people in my district.  some of the children in my district would called me "small black rat" long black nose, thin lips, big brown eyes, looking like a "frog". But with in me I did have a great ambition, I decided that I'll never suffer forever; when I grow up, ' said, I'll be going to college, and become an English Major, writing songs, poems, and become a preacher, to tell people how I had a bitter life, during my childhood.  I started to help friends in my district who didn't use poverty to hunt me; cleaning  neighbors homes to get lunch money to school. As I traveled along with these two girls, "Lynett" and "Sadie"cleaning houses, they set me up to be "RAPED" by a hateful young tall slender black man. This brings disgraced to me and my family. I thaught my entire life was ruing, because he took away all my pride. I was hated by the rest of my siblings when they found out about it. They blamed me for everything. They says, "  It was your fault, why did you accompanied those girls to clean other peoples homes? I think you love money, that is why you got raped, Kate! We do not believe a word you are telling us, they all spoke in one voice"... I ignored them, as I cried like a woman delivering her first child in the delivery room.

 I was beaten by my parents with a huge rod. I wanted to kill myself, but I thaught of Jesus Christ how he suffered for mankind, he was hung on the cross, beaten, mocked, spet on, and was given vinigar to drink, because of sinners for the entire human race. So, I cried bitterly, always alone in my little corner of my parents small home. In fact, my parents were put in back bench in their Baptist Church for over five months because of the disgrace that they encountered from me been raped. Three months after I was raped, I found out I was pregant; oh God , I knew then that my parents were going to be put out of their church. I ran away to Kingston, had no idea where i was going, but I boarded a bus in Christiana, Manchester, with only few pounds that I stole from my Grandmother's grocery store; that paid my fare. Got in the big city of kingston, no friends or family. I walked over to the "Currination Market" met a Chinese's women who needed a babysitter, she took me home, gave me a job, to babysat her two children; gave me a beautiful furnished bedroom to live in. That night, I went down on my knees and prayed to God, I gave him thanks  for his providance. After two months, the Chines woman (The woman Mrs. Chin)  knew I was pregant; they asked me about it, I told them that I was raped. With compassion in their hearts, they aided me in buying clothe for the unborn baby and myself to take to the hospital.
 When the child was born, they wanted to adapt her in their own name. I objected to that idea, because I believed that they were going to take my baby away from me. nontheless, I thank them very much; for all the good things that they did for me. I want to abort this child, but I didn't. Today this child is a Pastor and a Teacher... Read more of my bitter story in "Immigrant Among Thorns" Barns and Noble/ Amazon. With determination, your bitterness can become sweet. copyright (c) "I Have A Bitter Life" November 15, 2011 by Catherine Gray- Taylor

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