Sunday, November 13, 2011


Sometimes when you are in trouble and God pulls you out , you forget that he did. In everything we must remember that he is the Lord our God, we must serve him with all our hear and our soul. God had told Moses in Ex. 6:6  that , "I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and i will redeem you with an outreached arm and with mighty acts of judgement." You see God feels it when we turn against him. We too, when our family and friends turn against us, we feels it.  So let us not forget God because he does not like it.
 You know, if we forget about God, then we are worshipping the devil. We don't want to do that, the devil is a evil man, but God is merciful and kind. He gives us life, he provides food on our table, and he protects us from the devil. Please my friend, do not forget  the Lord your God. He loves you.

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