Friday, November 25, 2011



Paulette’s world turned upside down when her siblings’ turns against her. She found it very hard to accept their behavior against her after all the things she had done for them. Since Paulette’s parents have twelve children, broth up into a poor home. During the time of poverty, Paulette said, at ten years old she was worried about her family, because they did not have enough food to eat, proper clothing to wear, or a good home to live in.  Nevertheless her parents were Christians, who indulged themselves in prayer, hoping that one day, things will be better with their children when they grows up. This is the prayer that he parents prayed, Oh, God the Almighty  who provided a “Ram” for Abraham, when he was asked by you to give his Son Isaac as a scarifies in the land of  Mariah, as Abraham is abundantly blessed, mighty God, bless by twelve children.  Father God does not allow my children to see their bread out of desolate places, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. As the much sand at the Seashore, give blessings unto my children. In Jesus’ name” Paulette now determined that when she grows up she will ran-away from home, to find a job, provides for her poor family and later down the road, she will travel abroad and takes all her siblings so that they can get a better life to help themselves and their parents.

Paulette would talk to herself as she lied down each night to sleep, she would say, “ One day I will grow up to be a woman, and I’m going to be educated, and rich, not only that, I want to be a preacher to tell people about God. She said” So he was very serious about her predictions. At the age of eleven Paulette, began to write poems. Her first poem was, “ I am beautiful, with big brown eyes, round face like a beautiful white British girl, look at my nose and my cheekbone, well, my cheekbones are high as the Mount Harvest, and smooth like a settled Sea, my nose is stretch  like an America ‘s High-way, and I’m thin like a straw. I believe, and I certainly know, that when I become a woman, I am going to be someone special like, Catherine the great. And this is all for now, I dropped my penciled, until later date.”

Among Paulette siblings, she was different she is a blunt girl. She just has a mind of her own. She will not take no for an answer. For example, at ten years old, the church that she and her family attended, they were having an event, Paulette wanted to exercised he talent,  she felt that she have a good voice to sing , but because her family were poor,  Choir leader, would not give her the opportunity to do so. Therefore, she wrote a letter to the Pastor of the Baptist Church in Trelawney Jamaica, saying, “Dear Pastor Williams, I am eleven Years old; and I know from the bottom of my heart that God has given me a gift of singing. I meant I have a good voice to sing that can melt anyone ones heart, especially tough hearts, but there is a problem here, Ms. Brown who is the Choir’s leader withheld from giving me a chance to explored my talent. At this time Pastor Williams, I would be thankful if you could take the time, this Sunday when you come to preach at church, to hear me sing, and you would know what I am talking about. I really believed that Ms. Brown is definitely decimating against me because I am from a poor and needy family, and I believed it is wrong. I must get the same treatment as the rich men-children in this district of Trelawney. And if you as my Pastor refrain to takes away such rights from me because my parents are poor, then I will have to write a letter to the head of the Church’s committee.”

God blessed you and I am waiting to hearing from you, as soon as possible.  I remain, Paulette Gray.

Pastor Williams responded to Paulette, immediately. He stated, “Dear Ms. Gray,

I am disappointed to hear that you wanted to participated, in singing a song for our church, and was turned down. Nonetheless, I will meet with Ms .Brown before this event, and settled this problem; and I would love to hear your lovely voice, since you give me great emphasis about it.  Be blessed.  We will meet on Sunday.”  Well Pastor Williams showed up on Sunday morning, after his Sermon he called Miss Brown and Paulette and settled the matter about her not allowing Paulette to sing her song. Well after Pastor Williams spoke to Ms. Brown by asking her these questions, “   are there special people that you had in mind to sing in this event that we have coming up? She replied, “Yes, Pastor” Pastor responded,

“Why?” She replied,

“ Because is not everyone that can sing pastor, I believed that Paulette felt that she has a gorgeous voice, but that does not gives me the right to put her on the choir. She may have a good voice yes, but I have never heard her sing.” Pastor responded,

“Have you given her the opportunity to sing?” She replied,

“No Sir.” Pastor Constance changed, as he argued with Ms. Brown about Paulette wanted to sing on the Choir. Pastor, asked Paulette to get up and sing the song that she had in mind to sing,, Paulette got up, stood politely before Pastor and Ms Brown, and she song beautifully, this song, “ It is God alone that lives, it is he who created all things, and I know he made me to be what he wanted me to be. Oh, God you made, Oh, God you made, I may not be like others, but I am sure you really made me. Some day things will be better, when men understands that this world is only for a moment, and nothing do we carry, when go out of this world. Oh, God you made me, Oh God you made me I may not be like others, but I am sure you really made…” This song touched both Pastor and Ms. Brown’s hearts they broke down in tears. Ms. Brown, apologized to Paulette, by saying, “Paulette, I am so sorry for not having you in the Choir, as of now, you are in.” She embraced Paulette, passed her palm through her hair, and said, “With this voice, I believed that someone will discover you and take you to some foreign country. Again, Paulette, I apologized. Meet us in church on Saturday’s Evening for Choir practice.” Paulette responded,

“Thank you for taking the time to listen to me sing, Ms. Brown, God blessed you.” Pastor, looked at Paulette and said,

“I am glad you sent me that letter, if not we would not know that we have such a precious person with a precious voicing wasting. Nevertheless, my child, you will be in this Choir as long as you want. Isn’t that right Ms. Brown?” She replied,

“Oh, Yes Pastor, she will.” Pastor Williams, again commended Paulette,

“Young lady, stand up for your right in all what you are now doing and what you are about to do. I am very proud of you, young lady, and I know your parents are too. I wish you all the best in this Choir practice.” Paulette, “Thank you Pastor.” They departed, to their different home.  While believed that there are many more obstacles ahead of her to overcome. She also believes that her world will always be upside down as long as she fights for justice. Copyright© by Catherine Gray- Taylor - 2011

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