Tuesday, November 15, 2011


King David the Psalmist, had asked God to ordered his steps. By saying, " The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord" ( Ps. 35: 23). The steps of a good man are ordered my the Lord- entailed that it is "established" the word rended "ordered" means to stand erect, to stand strong, to set up; to found; to fit; to direct. The idea here is, that all men steps must be ordered by the Lord.  If we are pertained to the journey of a good man or woman through life, we must obey the will of God, keep his Commandments, and allows him to order our steps in whatever diection he feels pleases him. Yes the "steps of a man are ordered",... yet there can be no doubt that a very good or pious man is  picked out , or referred to, for the connection demands this interpretation. We must walk in the steps of God, which will lead us to eternal life. Look at the word "steps" it means his course of life; the way in which we goes.

According to Cleark's Commentary, the author wrote these sentences:  " The steps of a good man or ordered by the Lord- There is nothing for good in the text. and it is appears to used here to show, that even the most powerful must be supported by the Lord, otherwise their strength and courage will be of little avail." ( Clearks Commentary).   We must understand that God sits in his holy place, he sees all our movements on Planet Earth, good are evil. Let him be the one to order your steps and mine. Psalms 37: 31 said, " The laws of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide." What the Psalmist is assuring us, is that God is working in each and everyone of us, he is the controler, he gives us the ability to walk; but he order our steps.  Realizing that our God is giving us great favors my keeping us alive, and keeping our feet from slipping. He is a wonderful, and a wise God, and we all need to worship him in spirit and in truth. In all things, let God order your foot steps. God bless you. Peace!

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