Friday, December 2, 2011


Paulette had lost her job in September 2008, she had a serous motovehicle accident in 2010, which leaves her in a destitute condition.  Since then, things has been real tought for her. All her bills are falling behind. Nonetheless, she has to take a early retirement, in which she only receives $ 750.00 each month. Things are getting harderer and harderer, everyday. She is now becoming forstrated with life because she knows that she accumulates these bills and it is her duty to pay them. But can a man makes bread out of stone? can a man carry fire in his bosom and it do not burn? these are some of the questions Paulette had asked herself daily. In addition, Paulette's 99 years old father was ill in Canada, she had  traveled to Canada to see that the welfare of her father was taking care of in August of 2011. After that her Brother took sick with cancer in Jamaica, she had traveled to Jamaica to take care of her younger brother Lion.
Paulette spent over three weeks in Jamaica, going from one hospital to the next, trying to find a good doctor who has compassion for a soul that gets incontact with the evil man "CANCER" she has done her best in that perspective; the worst still remains, her brother died of "Cancer" in August 2011. Within that time,Paulette have 18,000 dollars in her retirement plan, she has to used it in buring her brother and paid for her flight ticket forth and back to Jamaica.
Paulette, and her brother Leon was very close, when he died,leaves a great effect on her. She thought of her brother every passing second, and in such a moment, she cries. Now that She returned from Jamaica back to the United States, here she is an American Citizen. she is encountering financial problems. She now unable to pay her mortage. The bank that she has her mortage, is now putting her home into foreclosure. Paulette were told by one of the bank's manager, Carla, that if she could come up with a partial payment, she would do a modification with her mortage. Paulette did not have the sum of $345.00 that the Cala asked for at the time. Moreover, Paulette find away of getting a loan from a church sister of $345.00. Paulette, took the money to the bank, paid it as she was asked my Cala. After that, they denied her of the promised.
Paulette, had called the headquater of that bank and told them the story about how she was tricked into paying a partical payment on her mortage by the bank" manager Carla, and was denied without a reason.
Paulette said, one of the customer service Representative told her that there is nothing they can do about it because whatever the branch had said, is reasonable.  At this time, Paulette feels like she is railroaded because of unemployment.  Paulette is an author of two books, " Immigrant Among Thornes" and It's All About The Body" and the only thing she is now praying for that God will allows her to find favor in him and men , for the sales of her books. Pauletter said, " these bookes could be found on Barns and Noble/ Amazon/ Trafford Publishing. The next problem that Paulette, is encountering is this, she had helped all her family when they were dust poor to travel abroad, and they are now well-off and fail to assist her in such a hard time. Peraventure, Paulette feels that one day God will bring her back to her good living standard. Paulette cannot come to the conclusion that her very family could be so hardhearted and uncompassionate toward her. But as she said, " who the Lord bless, no man curse" so she is waiting that God will send someone to shower down a blessing on her.
At this time, Paulette is still struggling to pay her bills; but the two most essential bills at this time is her mortage and her utility's bills.

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