Wednesday, December 7, 2011


                                                           My Bitter and Sweet Journey

April 14, 2011

          The light that is guiding me through my destiny and my trials is my parents. I was not born with gold spoon-feeding me as a baby. I was born into a poor family with rich morals, motivation, and hope.  My parents are sincere Christians. They have eleven children, in which I am the fifth among the siblings.  Growing up as a young girl, I had encountered many challenges such as competition in school where the richer students feels like they knew it all and I was not good enough to know as much as they knew. For example, an event kept at Warren Hall High School. Pupils were told to dress well for the occasion. Well, my mother makes sure that I should look just as the rich folk’s children. She was a sew-mistress; she made me a beautiful red silk dress because she wants to make me the center of attention. My hair was well groomed with beautiful red and blue ribbons. Now I have to tackle my opponent Sara Brown who is one of my classmates, parents rich and powerful. The competition between us, we must recite two poems with humor and braveness.

      I had no doubt with that because my parents taught their children to be polite and brave in everything. Nevertheless, I wa s chosen to recite first among the other students. The moment my name announced for me to entered the platform to recite my poem. Sarah Brown encountered me in front of the audience; she pulls the ribbons out of my hair, which caused my hair to mess up. Despite of it all I continued in reciting my poem entitled the Journey of         Bitterness by Louise Williams. I was ashamed hurt and bitter within.  I continued with my recitation. When she sees that I intended not to give up, she came and spat in my face and she said aloud, “You poor black girl, you will never make it. I am the rich one; I am going to win this competition.” I looked bravely at the audience and I completed my recitation. I was not intimidated my, because I want to win that competition that would allowed me to visit St George’s College in Kingston Jamaica. I could not have done that if I was not raised to “stretch my legs long”( the sky is the limit.)  Sarah was removed from the program and been suspended from school for a week. I still face struggles, such as working hard and receiving less reward. Despite of that I fight my “Dragon” because I am an extraordinary person who encounter hard journeys and overcome them all the time. However, I follow the light that is leading me into my destiny, my parents and hope. I always tell myself I am not a looser, I am a winner.  My Bitter Journey in School was Sarah Brown. Copyright © Catherine Gray Taylor 2011


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