Tuesday, January 22, 2013


End of time, we are living on the edge. Unbelievers, and others who feel like their are christians, but not yet bein delivered. Make a U turn and call unto the Lord for forgiveness. Going to church every Sunday cannot save you. Reading the bible daily cannot save you. Speaking great swollen words to be seen cannot save you. You can only be saved through faith by the Lord Jesus Christ. Doing his will- keeps the commandments, cater for the poor and the needy, and moreover keep away from ungodly people who harden their hearts against God. Most and foremost, have a relationship with God.
Live bless and worship your God.


One of the major events to occur just before the return of Christ as Conquering King is the appearance of an individual called the Antichrist. Most people who have studied the personality and deeds of this individual have totally misunderstood the essential factors associated with this person.

Many view the Antichrist, the image, the mark of the Beast, and the Beast's alliance of nations as things that will be easily recognized as evil and sinister. The reality is that the Antichrist and his religious system of government will look like the greatest and most wonderful religious, political, and economic system the world has ever seen. The leader of this alliance of nations will appear as a dynamic and charismatic individual who will lead his alliance of nations and the world into a time of unparalleled peace and prosperity.

A Great Deception

Jesus said that the deception surrounding the Antichrist will be so clever that only the elect of God will recognize him and understand his true intent and purpose:

"And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, seeing the beast, that it was a thing, and is not and yet now is" (Rev.17:8 Para.). See also Dan.12:9-10; Rev.1:1-8.

All others on earth will be deceived into thinking that this person is indeed a savior of humanity. Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to recognize some of the characteristics and powers that this person may exhibit as he imposes his will on the world.

One must realize that deceived people do not know that they are deceived, and that a person will remain deceived unless they diligently and honestly put forth the effort to search for and accept truth. No one on earth is immune to being deceived or causing deception. In fact, the Bible says that the whole world has been deceived except for the elect of God.

The truth is that, there is not a person alive who knows every biblical truth in exact detail. Therefore, no one can totally rely upon another person for their understanding of God's word. This is why the elect are instructed to study to show themselves approved before God and to work out their own salvation in fear and trembling. See 2.Tim.2:14-16; Eph.2:12-13.

Who is the Antichrist?

First let us remove some of the mystique about the name Antichrist. Simply put the Antichrist is an individual who is against the true Christ and/or is attempting to pass himself off as the true Christ. In either case this individual is in opposition to God the Father and Jesus Christ and their teachings.

The Antichrist is the same dynamic and charismatic individual described elsewhere in the Bible as the Beast who is the leader of a powerful religious governmental system that controls an alliance of nations called the Beast. The Antichrist is the individual who has absolute authority, power, and control over all religious, philosophical, economic, and political aspects of people who live under his control.fallen angelsFALLING ANGEL. THIS IS WHO THE DEVIL USE TO DESTROY GOD'S PEOPLE WHO ARE WEAK IN THEIR FAITH.

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