Sunday, January 15, 2012


Sixteen years ago Glen ment a beautiful young woman about 19 years, in the Island of Jamaica. At that time Glen was a thirty five years old millionair. He was told my his parents not to marry this girl because her background was filthy. Nontheless, Glen went and eloped in kingston Jamaica, without any family member at his wedding. Two weeks after that he moved into his father's home because it was big enough to live and have a family.

This young lady name lazy, she was just like Delilah, my reason for saying this, Delilah asked Sampson for his strength, Lazy asked Glen how much money does he have.? For years this beautiful light skin women is just taking Glen for a ride with her wants and deceptions. She always comes up with a story, by saying, she is going to the united States to study and she needs fifty thousand dollars, or she is attending some Christian's school in Manchester. But, what is ugly about this girl, she is a corn-artist.She knows how to friend up Glen and sweet talk him into giving thousands of dollars. Five Years after glen married to Lazy, she came up with this idea that she was invited to England to meet with a friend who promised her to opened a hair dressing business in London, Glend gave her two hundred thousand dollars to go to England, when she got there, she stopped with a friend of her mother for few days, then branched off to an hotel in western Manchester.

One morning she went for breakfast at the hotel, met a twenty seven years old man, they fell inlove. Lazy called Glen up on the phone, she says, " Hi sweethear, how are you? oh I missed you so much, I just wish you were here with me darling. I'm just had breakfast, and about to take a shower , after that I'll be going to meet with Mr. and Mrs. William about renting the place for our business. If everything is ok, I'll let you know immediately. If not, I'll still call. You know Glen, I have no idea that I was deeply inlove with you until I got to London." Glen over the phone, "Yeah, sugar, I love you too. I told you the first day I cast myeyes on you I knew you were my wife." " I see." Glen, continues, " Oh well, baby all I got to say is this, You do what you got to do and come home, sound and safe. Tomorrow I'll be going to Mo-bay to meet a friend. I wish you were here to go with me babe; by the way, say hi to your friend. And take all the time you need, I'll be here." Lazy, " Ok my love."

Lazy spent over six months in England with the young man she met at the hotel, she gave him thirty pounds from the money she took to London to open her business. Nontheless, the young man got her pregent and dissappered in thin air. Lazy knew that she was pregant, she when back to her husband, slept with him, a month later she told Glen she was pregant for him. Glen loved her so much, whatever she said, goes. Glen was happy about her being pregant, he gave her ten thousand dollars to shop for baby clothes in Christiana.

What happen to the business in London, its not spoken of,the great excitement of Lazy been pregnant, over-shadowed Glen 's eyes. She banked the money she took to England to opened business and there was know questions about it from Glen. Oh,well, time has come for Lazy to deliver her baby, she was sent to one of the most ellegant and expensive hospital in Mandeville to deliver her baby. So, who was in the delivery's room, Glen. Had know idea that the child that he is spending all this money on is not is. The child was born, Glen named her "Gleanoi" Glen fell in love with his' daughter, he carred her everywhere he went from a young age until she was able to go to basic school in Jamaica.

Lazy murder Glen with the things she is doing to him and he settled for it. So Glennoi reached Elementary School age, Lazy boarded her out in private School in Kingston, Jamaica. Glen, took sick, elven years after Leonni was in school, he was a great farmer, in yams, bananas, and cattles. Ms. Lazy, asked him to sell all he had and gives her the money; Glen went ahead and did it.  actually, Glen even abused his parents verbally for Lazy, when they were asking her, to spend more time with her husband and her husband because he was ill. Glen, say these words to his mother, " I'm a old gray ass man, I'm not a child, so mother, I do not need your advice. I knew, for a long time that you really despised my wife; what do you want be to do, devorce her? such thing I'll not do so you can leave my life alone and forcast on your children." Oh well, Glen"s mother said, " my son the evil you done will live after you.

Glen was very sick with pneumonia, during this time; he was admitted in the hospital, to be treated. Glennoni grew up, wants to become a doctor. Lazy, received monthly support from her boyfriend in England for Glennoi. Glen knows nothing about this boy friend in London; the only thing he knows, is how to support the "barstard" child Glennoi.  Glennoi accompany her mother to see her  father's Glen. When she got there her father was very low  in his spirit, he could hardly talk to anyone, because he had shortness of breathe, due to his sickness he turned all his assette  over to Lazy went home and told her mother Sharon , who is the mouth piece for the city. Glen spent many months in the hospital, he lost hundreds and thousands of dollar to pay for his sickness in St Jude's Hospital.

During his illness Lazy was going out on different dates, and at the sametime corresponding with her british Boyfriend. She would not allowed any of Glen's family to visit him in the hospital, only her male, and female friends. Notwithstanding, Glen has an aggressive sister in the States,  named Kate, when she heard of Glen illness, she flown home to Jamaica to see her brother. When she got there, her brother was very happy, he said, to Kate, " what took you so long? he hugged her across the neck and began to cry. As of that day Kate visited the hospital, Glen made a great changed. He was high spirited, talking about his childhood days and salvation. He remembered how he and Kate, used to picked  on children  when they were hungry and ugly.

Oh well,  few day past by when kate was there.  Glen got worst, his wife asked the doctor to give him  20 mg of morphine, plus other pain meds, to control pain.  She conspired with the doctors and nurses to keep Glen on the pain medication until he died. So, they did. After Glen's death, Lazy  had a poor funeral for him, she bought a cheap packaged from the funeral home, that was used for the burial. 

Lazy, hurrily laid him at rest, after she murdered him, and within four months she started dating young boys. Kate was mad about the idea of her living so care-free after Glen's death. She too all the money that Glen has in the Bank, Lazy took it away, she went back to England with her daughter and more money to take care of her business. In the long run,Lazy's British boyfriend, beat her and killed her. in London Subway. Lazy the murderer,  found out that what goes around comes around. Which means that the things one does which is evil, comes right back to destroys them.
copyright2012 Catherinegraytaylor@ Rochester, New York. Part two of this story can be download to everyone for just one dollar donation.

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