Tuesday, January 24, 2012



Benjamin’s Prayer to God

Praise from Benjamin, the son of Lucious from the depth of the sea.   Oh Lord, my God, I call into you from my heart, as I settle my spirit in the depth of the sea.  Call into deep as I sing songs of praise.  The water overflowing me, my body is trembling, the great sound of the mountain rolling in my head yet I praise thee even more.   The everlasting mountains scattered, the village is median roars like a hungry lion in the wilderness seeking its prey.  

Oh, God I praise you. In the deep I experience your mercy in my home, there in my life there is tranquility, no rottenness enters my flesh, and I tremble in my spirit that I am loved by you, when others despise me.  When you speak to your people, you speak to them with abundance of love.  Your love, oh God, shines from the heaven, to the earth, to the depth of the sea.   It brings glitter in which lights with everlasting strength that overpowers every ones darkness. Sometimes I ask why your love, your mercy is so strong after all the things I have done wrong.  Then I recall that you are the almighty God that has the power to create and destroy.  Day and night, my heart ponders for you as I sit on a great mountain top imagining what will be my next destination.  I lift your name on high with tons of praise. I bundled my life under the shadow of your loving wings seeking rescue only from you.

Oh God, when I think of you I see you dancing on the ocean, I see you writing my name in the sky, I can feel the echo of your love penetrating in my soul as a Michael the ark Angels who watches over the earth with your command. When I consider how great and faithful you are forgiving man kind for all of their transgressions, I gather strength to praise you even more.  At night, I meditate all about your love, I dream of your beauty, flowing through the Garden of Eden while the serpent disguises himself to take away your praises.  But my voice shall sound from the valley to the mountaintop and my praises shall echo to the wilderness of Kidash where milk and honey flows.  What next can I do, to give my praise to you oh God?   I can dance, I can prance, I can skip, I can jump I can sing hymns and songs with great triumph to your holy name. 

Oh God, My daughters shall praise you, my sons shall praise you, and the whole nation of the world shall sing praises unto you name.  Unto you they shall come and join our pleasurable. There is no love without praise. My body shall be an instrument of praise to you.  My peripheral nervous system, my central nervous system, every breath that I breathe, and every step that I take I give it all to you.  You create the stars and you call them by name, the blessings you bring control all my fame.   And with my name I will praise you just the same. Almighty God I give you the praise.  Benjamin loves to sing praises to God in the city of Median. He girds himself like John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness.  Benjamin sang songs of praises to God like King David. Oh, how sweet it is to give praises unto God.

  copyright 2010 (Catherine  Gray-Taylor)

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