Wednesday, August 15, 2012


What does Jesus say about prayer? Jesus says in Matthew 15:7-9, You people talk about my teachings with your mouth, you do honor me with your lips, but you don't do the things I say to do: you hypocrites. In vain you worship me, teaching the commandments of men as my doctrine.

Why do we reject the teachings of Jesus for the superstitions, traditions and teachings of men? Are those old superstitious traditions bringing us happiness and peace of mind? Why do we continue to pay lip service to things we do not do ourselves? Is it we cannot understand because our souls have hardened our minds with these traditions of men?

As Jesus says in Matthew 7:24-26, Who knows my teachings and Does Them, is a wise man. Who knows my teachings and does them not is a foolish man. If you hear these words and do them, the Father will come unto you and dwell in you and teach you all things; bringing all things to your REMEMBERANCE.

Reading Matthew 6:5-8, When you pray, show no one. Prayer is between you and your Father. DO NOT use vain repetition. DO NOT ask for earthly things; your Father knows what things you need to carry out the things he wants you to do.

Read Matthew 6:9-13. THIS IS A GUIDELINE; an example of prayer. Who turned this example into a vain repetition to be recited in public with bowed heads? Jesus always raised his head, and taught everyone likewise. Like a little child standing before his tall Father, looking upwards.

Our body should be used as a house of prayer to the Father, but we have allowed it to become a den of thieves (Mark 11:17). And reading Matthew 21:31, The body is made available to us as a house of prayer, a vehicle for communication with the Father who can help us to reach the proper understanding, making us fit to be taken to Other Earth. DO NOT continue to waste this opportunity in riotess living; conversion can only happen in an earth body, that is the purpose for its design and the reason we are here.

Reading Mark 11:22 and 24, Have faith in your Father. When you pray KNOW that the things you need to do the will of your Father, have already been given to you. Reading Matthew 21:22, That all things whatsoever you ask for in prayer, believing, having faith in receiving, you shall receive if you 'doubt not'. However doubt a little, even as much as a tiny little mustered seed, and it will not happen. Remember: Jesus said to HAVE FAITH that the Father hears and will help - as written in John 11:41-42, "And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. And I know that thou hearest me always." You see, Jesus did not always hear the Father; the Father did not always audibly respond; but Jesus KNEW the Father hears EVERY PRAYER and answers accordingly. Did you ever stop to think that your Father has heard everyone of your 'earthly' prayers - but that the answer was "no". However, in John 12:28 there is a record of an auditable reply from Jesus' Father, reading, "There came a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, AND WILL GLORIFY IT AGAIN."

Jesus tells us which prayers are answered, reading Luke 11:8, Prayers of importunity: those things which you cannot handle or bare; those things which are unendurable or unreasonable for you to bare.

Get your prayers in-line with the work that needs to be done!

Remember Luke 18:13, "Father be merciful to me, a sinner." Reading Luke 15 versus 21,24 and 32: Father I  I have sinned against you for I was lost but now I have been found again: I was dead in this world but now you have made me alive again and so help me to make my mind straight for the Other World.

Mark 11:25, And when you pray, stand like a little child looking upwards towards the Father, forgive others of their trespasses against you. Forgive those who hate you. Forgive those who use you. Forgive those who steal from you. Forgive those who hurt you. DO NOT return evil for evil, for if you do - what better are you than they?

Whatsoever another does against you, remember Jesus words in Luke 23:34, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Be about your Father's business. Blessed are they who understand these teachings AND DO THEM.

Reading Luke 17:21 and 18:17, The kingdom of God the Father is within you. But whosoever does not become as a little child, shall not enter into that place of the Father - the holy of holies.

This is your Father. If you do not approach him as a humble little child would approach his father for help, then do you really want his help? It is your child-like faith in your Father's ability to make you whole once again that opens your understanding to these teachings of Jesus. No, not you or me, nor any other man or woman can do this, only the Father.

As Jesus says in John 4:34-35, I do the will of my Father who sent me, and to finish his work. Behold, the fields are always ready to be harvested.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I have been reading a little of your blog and it sounds great so far. I will be coming back to read more soon, I hope!
    God bless you for understanding how important it is to be humble toward Him and to be obedient of Him!
