Saturday, February 11, 2012


WITH... What does the Bible have to say about the problems we're facing in the world ....We can solve our problems at the foot of the cross as a community, and we ..... you do, because he trembles when he believes the Bible [see James 2:19].


Now, today I will turn to the 17th chapter of the book of Acts, beginning at verse 30. Beginning tomorrow evening I am going to ask how many have brought their Bibles. I want everybody to bring a Bible. Now, I'm not a Bibliographist [sic]. I am not asking you to worship with the Bible. I don't use the Bible as a fetish. But I believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word, and in this book we find God's message for us today. I want you to get in the habit of carrying your Bible, reading your Bible, searching the Scriptures with me.
I am not here night after night to put on a show. We are not here to put on an entertainment. We are here to tell you what the Bible has to say. What does the Bible have to say about your problems? What does the Bible have to say about the problems we're facing in the world in which we live today? Night after night, I'm going to ask you to bring your Bibles.

Now you may have just a little Testament; you might not have a Bible at all. Go downtown and get a Bible. If you don't have the money to get a Bible, Beverly Shea will lend you the money. But get a Bible. Bring your Bibles to the services every evening.
In New York, a lot of people brought great big family Bibles that they could hardly carry. Whatever kind of Bible you have, bring it. We're here to study the Bible and see what the Bible has to say. Everybody has a Bible, but very few people know what the Bible says. We don't know what the Bible says; we don't read its pages. The Bible is an uninteresting closed book. I want us to open the Bible together and see what the message of this book is for the day in which we live. The 17th chapter of the book of Acts:

"But now God commanded all men everywhere to repent: because he hath appointed THEM TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO ALL NATIONS. MATTHEW 28- READ. 
God is love. And we should follow the foot-steps of Jesus, he told us to love one another, as he had loved us. 

What does the bible teaches us about salvation?  Salvation comes through Jesus Christ only. shepherd Taylor
minds of millions of people around the world even as you read this. After all, if there is an afterlife and heaven actually exists, who wouldn't want to go there? In fact, if eternal life is real, there is not a single issue of greater importance to every man, woman and child on earth. Who would not give up everything that they own to live forever in paradise? All over the world people perform all kinds of religious acts in hope that they will gain favor with God. Some religious extremists even blow themselves up during suicide attacks, hoping that their "sacrifice" will enable them to get to paradise. But are those really ways to get to heaven? What does the Bible have to say?
The truth is that the plan of salvation described in the Bible is very simple.
It starts with God.
The Bible tells us that God created mankind and that He loves us very much.
In fact, God loves you more than you could ever imagine. The Scriptures go on and on about how great the love of God is and about how deeply He cares for each one of us individually.
But there is a huge problem.
The problem is that humanity is in deep rebellion against God.
The truth is that humanity has rejected God and His laws.
Most people like to think of themselves as "good" people, but the truth is that we are not good. Each one of us has broken God's laws over and over. We are lawbreakers and criminals before God. The Scriptures call us sinners.
Perhaps you think that you are a "good person" and that God should let you into heaven based on how good you are.
If that is what you believe, ask yourself this question:
Have you ever broken God's laws?
Posted below is a summary of the 10 Commandments. Have you ever violated any of these?.....
#1) You shall have no other gods before Me. (Have you always loved God above everything else?)
#2) You shall not make yourself an idol. (Have you ever made a god in your mind that you are more comfortable with or ever worshipped anyone other than the God of the Bible?)
#3) You shall not take God's name in vain. (Have you ever used God's holy name as a cuss word?)
#4) Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. (Is there anyone alive who has kept this commandment perfectly?)
#5) Honor your father and mother. (Have you ever disrespected your father or your mother even one time? If so, you have broken this commandment.)
#6) You shall not murder. (God considers hatred to be similar to murder).
#7) You shall not commit adultery. (Have you ever looked at a man or woman with lust in your heart? That makes you guilty of breaking this commandment because in Matthew 5:27-28 Jesus said "Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart").
#8) You shall not steal. (Have you ever stolen anything? If so, that makes you a thief. The value of whatever you stole is irrelevant).
#9) You shall not lie. (Have you ever lied even once? If so, that makes you a liar).
#10) You shall not covet. (Have you ever jealously desired what belongs to someone else?)
The truth is that we are all guilty of violating the Ten Commandments.
We have all broken God's rules.
In fact, if we took an honest look at how guilty we truly are we would be horrified.
Take a moment and imagine this - one of the biggest television networks wants to do a huge 2 hour prime time special starring you.
Doesn't that sound great?
But instead of a two hour documentary about how wonderful you are, the network has discovered all of the most evil and horrible things that you have ever thought, said or did and they are going to broadcast them to millions of people all over the world for two hours during prime time.
What would you do if that happened?
The reality is that whoever that happened to would want to run away and never show their face to anyone ever again.
Because we have all done, said and thought things that are unspeakably evil.
We are sinners in the eyes of God, just as the Scriptures tell us.....
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).
We were created to have fellowship with God, but we chose to reject God and we all have repeatedly broken His laws. When we broke God's commandments, our fellowship with God was broken. By breaking God's commandments we decided that our will would be done instead of God's will. This self-will, characterized by an attitude of active
It is a transcript of the sermon which Billy Graham preached at the Charlotte Crusade. September 21 - 1958
Christ's Answer to the World by: Billy Graham
What does the bible teaches us about salvation?  Salvation comes through Jesus Christ only.
minds of millions of people around the world even as you read this. After all, if there is an afterlife and heaven actually exists, who wouldn't want to go there? In fact, if eternal life is real, there is not a single issue of greater importance to every man, woman and child on earth. Who would not give up everything that they own to live forever in paradise? All over the world people perform all kinds of religious acts in hope that they will gain favor with God. Some religious extremists even blow themselves up during suicide attacks, hoping that their "sacrifice" will enable them to get to paradise. But are those really ways to get to heaven? What does the Bible have to say?
The truth is that the plan of salvation described in the Bible is very simple.
It starts with God.
The Bible tells us that God created mankind and that He loves us very much.
In fact, God loves you more than you could ever imagine. The Scriptures go on and on about how great the love of God is and about how deeply He cares for each one of us individually.
But there is a huge problem.
The problem is that humanity is in deep rebellion against God.
The truth is that humanity has rejected God and His laws.
Most people like to think of themselves as "good" people, but the truth is that we are not good. Each one of us has broken God's laws over and over. We are lawbreakers and criminals before God. The Scriptures call us sinners.
Perhaps you think that you are a "good person" and that God should let you into heaven based on how good you are.
If that is what you believe, ask yourself this question:
Have you ever broken God's laws?
Posted below is a summary of the 10 Commandments. Have you ever violated any of these?.....
#1) You shall have no other gods before Me. (Have you always loved God above everything else?)
#2) You shall not make yourself an idol. (Have you ever made a god in your mind that you are more comfortable with or ever worshipped anyone other than the God of the Bible?)
#3) You shall not take God's name in vain. (Have you ever used God's holy name as a cuss word?)
#4) Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. (Is there anyone alive who has kept this commandment perfectly?)
#5) Honor your father and mother. (Have you ever disrespected your father or your mother even one time? If so, you have broken this commandment.)
#6) You shall not murder. (God considers hatred to be similar to murder).
#7) You shall not commit adultery. (Have you ever looked at a man or woman with lust in your heart? That makes you guilty of breaking this commandment because in Matthew 5:27-28 Jesus said "Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart").
#8) You shall not steal. (Have you ever stolen anything? If so, that makes you a thief. The value of whatever you stole is irrelevant).
#9) You shall not lie. (Have you ever lied even once? If so, that makes you a liar).
#10) You shall not covet. (Have you ever jealously desired what belongs to someone else?)
The truth is that we are all guilty of violating the Ten Commandments.
We have all broken God's rules.
In fact, if we took an honest look at how guilty we truly are we would be horrified.
Take a moment and imagine this - one of the biggest television networks wants to do a huge 2 hour prime time special starring you.
Doesn't that sound great?
But instead of a two hour documentary about how wonderful you are, the network has discovered all of the most evil and horrible things that you have ever thought, said or did and they are going to broadcast them to millions of people all over the world for two hours during prime time.
What would you do if that happened?
The reality is that whoever that happened to would want to run away and never show their face to anyone ever again.
Because we have all done, said and thought things that are unspeakably evil.
We are sinners in the eyes of God, just as the Scriptures tell us.....
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).
We were created to have fellowship with God, but we chose to reject God and we all have repeatedly broken His laws. When we broke God's commandments, our fellowship with God was broken. By breaking God's commandments we decided that our will would be done instead of God's will. This self-will, characterized by an attitude of active
It is a transcript of the sermon which Billy Graham preached at the Charlotte Crusade. September 21 - 1958
Christ's Answer to the World
by: Billy Graham
Now, today I will turn to the 17th chapter of the book of Acts, beginning at verse 30. Beginning tomorrow evening I am going to ask how many have brought their Bibles. I want everybody to bring a Bible. Now, I'm not a Bibliographist [sic]. I am not asking you to worship with the Bible. I don't use the Bible as a fetish. But I believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word, and in this book we find God's message for us today. I want you to get in the habit of carrying your Bible, reading your Bible, searching the Scriptures with me.

I am not here night after night to put on a show. We are not here to put on an entertainment. We are here to tell you what the Bible has to say. What does the Bible have to say about your problems? What does the Bible have to say about the problems we're facing in the world in which we live today? Night after night, I'm going to ask you to bring your Bibles.
Now you may have just a little Testament; you might not have a Bible at all. Go downtown and get a Bible. If you don't have the money to get a Bible, Beverly Shea will lend you the money. But get a Bible. Bring your Bibles to the services every evening.
In New York, a lot of people brought great big family Bibles that they could hardly carry. Whatever kind of Bible you have, bring it. We're here to study the Bible and see what the Bible has to say. Everybody has a Bible, but very few people know what the Bible says. We don't know what the Bible says; we don't read its pages. The Bible is an uninteresting closed book. I want us to open the Bible together and see what the message of this book is for the day in which we live. The 17th chapter of the book of Acts:
"But now God commanded all men everywhere to repent: because he hath    THE CROSS-! “WE CAN SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS AT THE FOOD OF THE CROSS” SAID BILLY GRAHAM.
Now, today I will turn to the 17th chapter of the book of Acts, beginning at verse 30. Beginning tomorrow evening I am going to ask how many have brought their Bibles. I want everybody to bring a Bible. Now, I'm not a Bibliographist [sic]. I am not asking you to worship with the Bible. I don't use the Bible as a fetish. But I believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word, and in this book we find God's message for us today. I want you to get in the habit of carrying your Bible, reading your Bible, searching the Scriptures with me.

I am not here night after night to put on a show. We are not here to put on an entertainment. We are here to tell you what the Bible has to say. What does the Bible have to say about your problems? What does the Bible have to say about the problems we're facing in the world in which we live today? Night after night, I'm going to ask you to bring your Bibles.
Now you may have just a little Testament; you might not have a Bible at all. Go downtown and get a Bible. If you don't have the money to get a Bible, Beverly Shea will lend you the money. But get a Bible. Bring your Bibles to the services every evening.
In New York, a lot of people brought great big family Bibles that they could hardly carry. Whatever kind of Bible you have, bring it. We're here to study the Bible and see what the Bible has to say. Everybody has a Bible, but very few people know what the Bible says. We don't know what the Bible says; we don't read its pages. The Bible is an uninteresting closed book. I want us to open the Bible together and see what the message of this book is for the day in which we live. The 17th chapter of the book of Acts:
"But now God commanded all men everywhere to repent: because he hath

Shepherd Taylor-
I love the Lord,because he died for my sin      for my sin


What does the bible teaches us about salvation?  Salvation comes through Jesus Christ only.

minds of millions of people around the world even as you read this. After all, if there is an afterlife and heaven actually exists, who wouldn't want to go there? In fact, if eternal life is real, there is not a single issue of greater importance to every man, woman and child on earth. Who would not give up everything that they own to live forever in paradise? All over the world people perform all kinds of religious acts in hope that they will gain favor with God. Some religious extremists even blow themselves up during suicide attacks, hoping that their "sacrifice" will enable them to get to paradise. But are those really ways to get to heaven? What does the Bible have to say?

The truth is that the plan of salvation described in the Bible is very simple.

It starts with God.

The Bible tells us that God created mankind and that He loves us very much.

In fact, God loves you more than you could ever imagine. The Scriptures go on and on about how great the love of God is and about how deeply He cares for each one of us individually.

But there is a huge problem.

The problem is that humanity is in deep rebellion against God.

The truth is that humanity has rejected God and His laws.

Most people like to think of themselves as "good" people, but the truth is that we are not good. Each one of us has broken God's laws over and over. We are lawbreakers and criminals before God. The Scriptures call us sinners.

Perhaps you think that you are a "good person" and that God should let you into heaven based on how good you are.

If that is what you believe, ask yourself this question:

Have you ever broken God's laws?

Posted below is a summary of the 10 Commandments. Have you ever violated any of these?.....

#1) You shall have no other gods before Me. (Have you always loved God above everything else?)

#2) You shall not make yourself an idol. (Have you ever made a god in your mind that you are more comfortable with or ever worshipped anyone other than the God of the Bible?)

#3) You shall not take God's name in vain. (Have you ever used God's holy name as a cuss word?)

#4) Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. (Is there anyone alive who has kept this commandment perfectly?)

#5) Honor your father and mother. (Have you ever disrespected your father or your mother even one time? If so, you have broken this commandment.)

#6) You shall not murder. (God considers hatred to be similar to murder).

#7) You shall not commit adultery. (Have you ever looked at a man or woman with lust in your heart? That makes you guilty of breaking this commandment because in Matthew 5:27-28 Jesus said "Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart").

#8) You shall not steal. (Have you ever stolen anything? If so, that makes you a thief. The value of whatever you stole is irrelevant).

#9) You shall not lie. (Have you ever lied even once? If so, that makes you a liar).

#10) You shall not covet. (Have you ever jealously desired what belongs to someone else?)

The truth is that we are all guilty of violating the Ten Commandments.

We have all broken God's rules.

In fact, if we took an honest look at how guilty we truly are we would be horrified.

Take a moment and imagine this - one of the biggest television networks wants to do a huge 2 hour prime time special starring you.

Doesn't that sound great?

But instead of a two hour documentary about how wonderful you are, the network has discovered all of the most evil and horrible things that you have ever thought, said or did and they are going to broadcast them to millions of people all over the world for two hours during prime time.

What would you do if that happened?

The reality is that whoever that happened to would want to run away and never show their face to anyone ever again.


Because we have all done, said and thought things that are unspeakably evil.

We are sinners in the eyes of God, just as the Scriptures tell us.....

"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).

We were created to have fellowship with God, but we chose to reject God and we all have repeatedly broken His laws. When we broke God's commandments, our fellowship with God was broken. By breaking God's commandments we decided that our will would be done instead of God's will. This self-will, characterized by an attitude of active

It is a transcript of the sermon which Billy Graham preached at the Charlotte Crusade. September 21 - 1958

Christ's Answer to the World

by: Billy Graham


Now, today I will turn to the 17th chapter of the book of Acts, beginning at verse 30. Beginning tomorrow evening I am going to ask how many have brought their Bibles. I want everybody to bring a Bible. Now, I'm not a Bibliographist [sic]. I am not asking you to worship with the Bible. I don't use the Bible as a fetish. But I believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word, and in this book we find God's message for us today. I want you to get in the habit of carrying your Bible, reading your Bible, searching the Scriptures with me.

I am not here night after night to put on a show. We are not here to put on an entertainment. We are here to tell you what the Bible has to say. What does the Bible have to say about your problems? What does the Bible have to say about the problems we're facing in the world in which we live today? Night after night, I'm going to ask you to bring your Bibles.

Now you may have just a little Testament; you might not have a Bible at all. Go downtown and get a Bible. If you don't have the money to get a Bible, Beverly Shea will lend you the money. But get a Bible. Bring your Bibles to the services every evening.
In New York, a lot of people brought great big family Bibles that they could hardly carry. Whatever kind of Bible you have, bring it. We're here to study the Bible and see what the Bible has to say. Everybody has a Bible, but very few people know what the Bible says. We don't know what the Bible says; we don't read its pages. The Bible is an uninteresting closed book. I want us to open the Bible together and see what the message of this book is for the day in which we live. The 17th chapter of the book of Acts:

"But now God commanded all men everywhere to repent: because he hath appointed THEM TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO ALL NATIONS. MATTHEW 28- READ.

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