In other word, I would call her a "Snab" So, at the funeral, in their parents lexurous living room, the siblings looked at each other for a moment. Marcia who is the mother of the family, said, " we only meet when there is a death in the family. it's a god damn shame." Nelli, was sitting on a brown loveseat, she stood up in haste, she responded to Marcia's, comment, You of all person should not say this, I took care of my parents, financially. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh, Marcia, blessed be the name of God. What is family does, they hated each other, envy each other and forget that I was the one who helped them." immediately after she spoke she walked briefly to the front dood, for a breath of air, spoung around, sat in the love seat, crossed her legs and held her tongue.
Glenville one of nellie's brother, pushed back in his chair in the living room, as he peered at the rest of the siblings; he said, I left Jamaica for twenty years to the united States, I wored and support most of you and my parents, now mother is dead, are we not here to lay her in the grave? or, we are here to fight each other. So nellie came into some money, she gave us a cut of it, we should be greateful, don't we all? she didn't have to give us any... damn.! You all talking about siblings abusing parents, said Glenville, my parents had never been abused by me. I closed this silly conversation". Sarah, the baby daughter, very light skined, she sat at the dining room table in the living room area, resting her elbow at the edge of the table. She sighed, stood up walked around the living, looked at her siblings, with a dirty eye- she said, " u- all don't know that my mother was abused when she has twelve children and we dumped her into a nursing home in Kingston Jamaica? let me tell u- all this, you all with your almighty dollars, u- all are like a dry honey comb, that had no juice; u-all needs to shut up about who done this or who done that men! enough is enough men. My mother is eighty one years old, she lived her life, and now she should go home in peace and not war. She was abused by most of the rich ones who when she was ill and in the hospital refused to visited her. My God, men, this is an abused. Second of all, she needs money to buy medications, no one takes the time to send my neice Revera, a dime to buy her medications, that is an abused. The only person that I can truly say stood with our mother, is Marcia, she worked two jobs to keep the doctor's bill paid. God blessed her." Sarah, went outside, lit her cigarette, sat on a huge rock infront of her parents home. Nevertheless, the siblings, put their differences aside, and held an extravagant musical party for the sending off of their parents; according to their jamaican's custom, when a parent past they must go out in style. So, the hired a group of musicians and singers, they killed cows and goats and hired the poorer class people to do the cooking.
That night they had a pleasurous time, which they called the last "Earthly Celebration" for their mother. This was an opened air event, loud music, dancing and drinking. The worst party of this celebration was over, the siblings' mother will be buried the next day. Now they all came together and called a family meeting in the living room. Marcia, was the leader for this occassion. She allowed them to sit in the Couches and Loveseats in the living room. She stood up, and she said to them, " we are brothers and sisters from the same parents; we are also scattered abroad, living our own life, death brought us together, which is very bad. Now, our mother is going to be buried tomorrow, we need to stop all this fighting and be civil. We will get dressed tomorrow and behave like loving brothers and sisters, with our heads lifting up and our shoulders stiff like shoulders in a good army. I don't want us to leave here, and after this people talks about us. We must put away all differences for the sake of our mother, buried her in style and leve behind us a good report.
We know that all of us made a big mistake by putting our mother into a nursing home, don't we all? she asked? They all replied in one voice , yes, we did. Nellie, I'm very sorry it happened like this. But we cannot change anything now, other than us to give our mother a good burial." She looked at her father, as he sat in his brown Lazy Boy Chair, quite; Marcia said, father, we are going to make sure that you do not encountered the same things that mother mother encountered. Lacked of medications, physical abused by us when we live in fight with ourselves and forget about mother. Father, I assure you that with you, things will definitely be defferent. trust me" "you know what I mean" the rest of the siblings, in one voice, " Marcia, it's well said" It was evening, the Sun set over the big Caribbean sea in Jamaica, birds were singing, the atmosphere was flarying with wind. Nellie got up from her seat, went to the rest room, Marcia, was still talking, about their mother's funeral that to be held.
Well, after Marcia's lectures to her siblings. She went outside got into her Lexus rent a car and she went to visited a cousine about a mile from home. When she got there, they spoke of the funeral that would take place for her mother at the Wait - A- Bit Baptist's Church the next day.
The funeral home , was more so a celebration, looked more like the wedding of Princess Diana. everyone dressed in purple, gold and white; females wears gold hats, white gloves, etc; men perple suits, gold and gold shoes. all purple, white and gold flowers. Hurst, and Lemoes, gold and white, decorated with purple flowers. Female Funeral Director, attire, purple, gold, and white. Church decorated in the same colors. There was a huge picture, that Nellie hung of her mother at the entrance at the Church, where as her mother dressed in a purple dressed, that she wears to Nelli's wedding in the Seventies. Throughout the service at the church, there was two police officers, who stood by the coffin, have no idea the reason for that. Nowtheless, the body laided out in the church, Mrs. Williams twelve children gathered around the coffin, holding twelve purple roses, and they sung, " My sweet mother, we will never forget you; for the good things that you had done for us. " The pastors, immediate families and friends spoke of Mrs. Williams, that she was a loyal member and friend to the church and the community.
Nellie, took the microphone from the one of the Pastor, and she Said, " Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here togater un this wonderful occasion, of my beautiful mother, Mrs. Louise Williams. She is gone but not forgotton. To me, my mother was precious than any other mother on this Earth. Why is she special? she loves her children and she goes out of her way to make us happy. My mother woke early in the morning, she iron our uniforms , cooked our breakfast, and she prayed over us and sent us off to school. She is not only a mother, but she was my friend who listened, and always gives me good advise. Not to me alone but to the rest of the siblings. I whant to say, mother we loved you, rest in perfect peace." Oh well, what shall i say about this family? they started out fighting, after the funeral of their mother, they became friends. Nelli holds her lead as the rich one in the family as Marcia will always be the mother of the family. Children abusing their parents, could be in any form.... The children left behind in their place of birth, a mournament of love for their mother.

copyright 2012 Catherine Gray Taylor
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